Then the system can be written in the form: We then solve above equation for x, y and z respectively. Let us consider set of simultaneous equations as follows: After that, we will see MATLAB program on how to find roots of simultaneous equations using Gauss-Seidel Method. Similarly, there is another method for solving roots of simultaneous equations which is called as Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method. In the last article about solving roots of given simultaneous equations, we have studied Jacobi’s iterative method. Simple iteration methods can be devised for systems in which the coefficient of leading diagonal is large compared to others.
On the other hand, an iterative method is that in which we start from an approximation to the true solution and obtain better and better approximation from a computation cycle repeated as often as may be necessary for achieving the desired accuracy. We have studied in the last article that, the preceding methods of solving simultaneous linear equations are known as direct methods as they yield the exact solution.